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World Time Zones

You can use the following world clock, courtesy of ClockLink.com, to determine the current time anywhere on the globe. Simply move the mouse over a region and the clock will show you the boundaries of that time zone and the current time in that zone, relative to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), in London, England.

The digital display at the bottom of the clock is set to Eastern Standard Time. This is the time zone in which my hometown, Buffalo, New York, is located.

World Time Reference

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Voicethread.Com Evaluation

Purpose/Brief Description
Interactive site. Users can create an account and then log in to develop a “voicethread” on any subject. This voicethread can consist of a document, presentation, image, video, etc...virtually any downloadable file, which is then saved on the site. Other users can then log in and add comments by typing in text, adding an audio comment, or adding a video comment.

Learner Fit
This site is a good fit for all levels of ELLs: the comments can grow in sophistication and depth of analysis as the learner's proficiency level increases.

The site also meets many of the Conditions for Optimal Language Learning Environments, as listed in Figure 1-2. Using the various types of comments, students have the opportunity to interact and negotiate meaning; they are involved in authentic tasks (thinking about questions or responses, then posing them in either written or spoken language); the task of commenting allows students to produce varied and creative language; students can stay on the site as long as they want to get the task done, which reduces stress and anxiety; students control their interaction with the site, which supports learner autonomy.

Teacher Fit
There are virtually limitless activities that fit well with this site. As a teacher, you could upload text documents, presentations, or audio or video clips, and ask questions about them. As far I can tell, you could do this individually or as a group.

How Can It Be Used?
The real strength for ESL teaching, it seems to me, lies in the various ways that other users can comment on your postings. If other users want to post a text comment to your written document, they can do that but they could just as easily post an audio comment. Perhaps an audio comment to your audio voicethread would work better?...for example, to correct an error in pronunciation. The possibilities are endless.

The site has an excellent look and feel and is very easily navigated. There is almost no learning curve...the controls and icons are very intuitive. Although the mode of communication is asynchronous, this feature allows users to contemplate their responses a little longer, although responding via audio or video probably lends itself more to a more immediate, “stream-of-consciousness” mode of expression. Unlike many other sites, voicethread has robust help features under its “Support” link...just pick the way you want your questions answered: forums, FAQs, tutorials, or online manuals.

The only dislike I have (which is really a technological requirement/limitation) is that the site needs a broadband connection to function as intended (for audio and especially video without pauses or interruptions). Although, I must add that, believe it or not, I was able to use voicethread on a dial-up connection and post text and audio comments with only a slight delay.

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